

I’m not sure which is more shocking. The fact that it will be Christmas again in just over two weeks or that I haven’t blogged since March!?! Both Christmas and blogging are stressful and time consuming and involve a lot of preparation behind the scenes before the final reveal. Are you ready for Christmas yet!?

Anyway, as you can see, Christmas has come slightly early at Obsessilicious Towers. I was already in the process of doing my Christmas decorations, which are the hand painted wooden balls below, when I was asked by Pinterest if I would like to do a Christmas lunch table inspiration board for their Pin Picks. Of course I said yes straight away. Any excuse to do more pinning.

You can view the ‘Your best ever Christmas Dinner’ Pin Picks board here and you can view my Christmas board here.

I LOVE Christmas but it has to be a minimal affair. I’m still haunted by the abundance of tinsel and miles of foil decorations from my childhood. My mother had the attitude of it’s Christmas so we must cover everything with tinsel! I now hate it with a passion.

So yesterday it was carnage in our apartment because I decided to do a mini photo shoot. The mess off camera was horrific! We still have our old corner unit which we need to get rid off before Christmas because I’ve only gone and got my hands on my absolute dream sofa…a grey B&B Italia Charles corner unit! It’s one gorgeous monster! More pics very soon…I promise!



I’ve gone for a black, white grey and copper look this year. I came across the copper baubles on Cox & Cox and couldn’t resist them. The grey tray is by Hay and I bought the wooden candle holders from the MoMA store in New York last year. The napkins are from Ikea, crockery by John Rocha and the cutlery and glasses are Alessi.

A special shout out has to go to my friend Helen who got her hands on the small taper candles for my Nagel candle holders in the background.



The balls are so simple to do. I bought them from Craftshapes and they are very inexpensive at five for £5.97 for the smaller ones and the larger ones are £3.97 each. All you will need is your chosen paint colours, gaffa tape and some small paintbrushes. I used a grey match pot, black and white paint that I already had and I bought a tube of copper acrylic. You could use masking tape but I found I got a much cleaner edge to each section of colour using gaffa tape. I will be adding small eyelet hooks to others to use on the tree.




I made the wreath on the sideboard. I first saw them on Etsy and then by chance whilst trawling the internet for pics to pin on my Christmas Pinterest board I came across a great tutorial on Vintage Revivals on how to make one using plastic drinking straws.The wire and straws used to make it came to a grand total of approximately £4. I may make another one and spray it copper to hang on our front door.

Good luck and have fun if you are going to try your hand at creating your own decorations.

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone!



I was asked by the Sunday Times Style Magazine if I would like to be involved in an article on wrapping Christmas presents. How could I refuse when I’ve always had a thing for wrapping the perfect gift. I’ve even been known to rip it all off if I wasn’t happy with it and start all over again.

After the initial explosion in my head I was filled with both excitement and terror at what to come up with. The brief was to wrap a gift in a beautiful and inventive way but the deadline was short. After the initial flurry of running around getting materials and a riot of colour in my studio, I changed my whole concept and reverted back to my original idea. I wanted to do something Mid Century-ish and it had to involve wood in some way, well printed wood on paper.

I also wanted to incorporate some kind of 3D shape so I went with an Icosahedron. I made quite a few of them in brighter colours for my tree decorations last Christmas. There are two different size templates to download and they are quite easy to put together, just be careful of not getting the glue everywhere! Once the gift has been opened it can be used as a tree ornament. Two gifts in one.


The wood paper design is available to download in three different sizes. There are six different coloured tags and one wood version. They can be cut out and folded in half or you can cut off the back and just use the printed front. All to be used for personal use only of course.

You can download the designs to print yourself here… Have an Obsessilicious Christmas.




The string is just wrapped around six times. I decided to do it at an angle which is a bit tricky because you have to keep it taught. Start with securing near a top corner on the back with sticky tape  and wrap around. If it proves to be too tricky then it can be done easily in straight lines.

I hope you like the designs and if you choose to use any of them then happy wrapping!


A selection of design deliciousness. I wonder if I’ll find any of them under our tree on Christmas morning (hint hint!)…


1. Eames ‘Dot Pattern’ wool blanket by Vitra. Need it! Available at Nest.

2. Kranium. I just love this little wooden skull with a secret compartment “for keeping memories”. Available from Acne Jr.

3. Pia Wallen Cross Tray. Available at Pia Wallen.

4. Handmade felt dome cushion. Gorgeous quality (and I’m not just saying it!) and all handmade using pure Merino wool by my sister in a tiny Welsh village. Available at Knitnations.

5. Kubus Bowl. Available from Story North.

6. Leff Amsterdam Tile25 Clock. Available at Design55.

7. ‘YES’ print in sizes A3 and 50 x 70cm. Custom colours and other sizes available upon request. Available…ahem…in my Etsy shop Yumalum.

8. Unit Portables 13inch Shoulder Bag in charcoal. I’ve got the black version of this bag and they are superb. Available at Unit Portables.

9. Perpetual Calendar designed by Massimo Vignelli. Available from Nava Design.


Happy Christmas shopping!

These Pantone baubles are just perfect for all the designers out there or anyone else for that matter. Dig into your turkey at the same time as matching a colour for your latest design job maybe….

Pantone Christmas baubles from Selab Studio for Seletti